Important Information for Retama Park Horsemen
Today, an agreement was reached between Retama Park and Texas Horsemen’s Partnership to allow the stable area at Retama to remain open for at least 30 days. Only horses stabled at the track will be allowed to remain and all outstanding balances due to Retama must be paid in full by their due date. Any horsemen found to be in arrears on March stall rent beyond April 15 will be required to vacate the premises.
*Stabling is for any horsemen stabled at Retama as of 4/1/2020
*No new horsemen or horses will be permitted to enter or stable at Retama Park
*Dormitory rooms for any individuals in dormitories as of April 1, 2020
*Track surface to be available five (5) days a week from 7:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., weather permitting
*Gate training two (2) days a week and clocker available two (2) days a week
*Trainers who are paid for March expenses walkers may continue use in April
*24/7 security at stable gate
**All policies and procedures currently in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19 will remain in effect and will be enforced.
**Horsemen/horses that vacated the stable area of Retama after March 26th may be permitted to return with ONLY the horses stabled at Retama as of March 26th. However, if such trainer has an outstanding balance owed Retama for January and/or February 2020, that outstanding amount must be paid in full prior to such horses being permitted to return to Retama.
**Please be assured that the Texas Horsemen’s Partnership is working diligently to find resources for our horsemen during this stressful time and we’d like to thank Retama Park for it’s willingness to work with us, to accomodate those horses currently stabled at Retama.