To see a list of Accredited Texas-Breds by foal year, click on one of the following links:
ATB Foals of 2023 as of 01/15/2025
ATB Foals of 2022 as of 01/15/2025
ATB Foals of 2021
ATB Foals of 2020
ATB Foals of 2019
ATB Foals of 2018
ATB Foals of 2017
ATB Foals of 2016
ATB Foals of 2015
ATB Foals of 2014
To see a list of Texas Accredited Texas Stallions, click here. (as of 12/4/2024)
To see a list of Texas Accredited Mares, click here. (as of May 28, 2024)
To see a list of Accredited Texas Broodmares, click on one of the alphabetical links below. The list includes ATB mares who have had of foal of 2018 or later, and/or mares that were Accredited between 1/1/2018 and 11/30/2022.
ATB Mares – Complete List A – Z
ATB Mares A – D
ATB Mares E – L
ATB Mares M – R
ATB Mares S – Z