Is your name on this list of breeders and owners who have earned money through the Accredited Texas-Bred Program for 2017 racing?
For various reasons, the TTA has been unable to pay the individuals listed below. Usually the problem is very simple to correct. Perhaps a transfer form was never completed when you purchased your money-earning Texas Thoroughbred, or maybe you have moved and forgotten to tell us.
Please call the TTA’s Accreditation Department at (512) 458-6133 so we can complete your paperwork—and so you can collect your ATB earnings.
Courtney Barousse $1,096.87
Candy Courtemanche $ 471.24
Richard E. Craig $ 184.30
Teodoro Delgado-Muriel $ 378.84
Bob Glasgow and Ray Shannon $ 302.85
Reggie Hickerson $ 220.98
Ila Faye Jarvis $ 201.02
Raymundo Juarez $ 930.47
Magnolia Racing Stable and Jim Ward $ 289.58
Dan Pish and Richard Mays, DVM $ 119.37
Shadowlands Farms LLC $ 71.42
Thomas D. Tiller $ 153.47