Your immediate action is needed. The Texas Racing Commission (TRC) is taking steps to repeal the rules that would regulate pari-mutuel wagering on historical races, and it is with the utmost urgency that all TTA Members are being asked to encourage the TRC to keep the historical racing rules in place.
Last year, the TRC was responsive to the Texas Thoroughbred industry’s request to go forward with approving rules authorizing and regulating pari-mutuel wagering on historical racing. In response, the Senate Finance Committee threatened to cut the TRC’s funding for enacting its rule-making authority. And now, the TRC is taking steps to repeal those rules.
The TTA believes the decision to repeal the historical racing rules is both unnecessary and counter-productive to the longevity of both the Texas Thoroughbred industry and the TRC – the agency that exists to support our industry.
Please send an e-mail, call, and/or write to the TRC and explain that:
“We wholeheartedly appreciate your support for historical racing, and we sincerely regretted the Senate Finance Committee’s subsequent threat to cut the TRC’s funding. In response, we contacted our legislators in Austin and asked them to maintain the TRC’s funding (for which $16.7-million was approved). We empathize with the position you are in, and we are asking you to leave the historical racing rules in place while the Thoroughbred industry considers its options. We appreciate your continued support, and we ask you to keep our best interests in mind.”
The contact information for the TRC is:
Email to:
Fax to: 512.833.6907
Phone to: 512.833.6699
The active involvement of all horsemen in such issues is imperative to protect our industry. Thank you!