TTA Board of Directors Election Results to Serve a 3-Year Term 2025 – 2027

Ballots for the Texas Thoroughbred Association Board of Directors election were tabulated yesterday in the TTA office and the results are as follows:
At-Large Incumbents Re-Elected:
John Adger
Terry Eoff
Phil Leckinger
Carl Moore

At-Large Candidate, Elected:
Judy Peek

At-Large Candidate, Appointed to Fill A Vacancy on the Board:
Jeff Jeans (to serve calendar year 2025)

Incumbent Kathy Davis will again serve as the Regional Director for the Northeast Region of Texas.

Incumbent Bethe Deal will again serve as the Regional Director for the South Region of Texas.

We would like to thank all the candidates for running and all the TTA members who took the time to vote!