Texas Stallion Stakes Survey

In an effort to gather information on the reasons that horses nominated to the Texas Stallion Stake Series fail to run in one or more of the races, the following letter was recently sent out to the owners of nominated horses:


Dear Owner,

I’m contacting you because you have one or more horses nominated to the Texas Stallion Stakes Series.  In the past few years, field size has become a problem in some of the Texas Stallion Stakes races.  Field sizes of 6 and 7 do not make a compelling race to bet, and that has to be a consideration for the tracks.  The number of horses nominated to the Texas Stallion Stakes has never been below 200 for a series and TTA would like to get a better understanding of why the number of horses entered in these races isn’t higher.  Please take a few minutes to check any boxes below that apply, then use the space provided below to give us any more thoughts on this matter.  Write your name in the space provided.

__  My horse died or was sold

__   My horse has just not been ready at the right time

__  I believe the race distances should be reconsidered (shortened/lengthened) explain below

__  I’d prefer to include a turf race

For a 3 race series, pick a total of 3 (write 1, 2 3 for 1st, 2nd & 3rd races):

2YO race:     Summer ___   Fall ____

3YO race:     Early Spring ___  Summer ___   Fall ___

4YO race      Early Spring ___  Summer ___   Fall ___


____________________________________    (write your name here)

Thank you for your input.  You may return these by mail or fax to the address or number below, or by email to jenniferg@texasthoroughbred.com.

4009 Banister Lane, Ste. 230 * Austin, TX 78704

Phone 512.458.6133 * Fax 512.453.5919