Sponsorship Opportunities Available for TTA Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet

ttalogoThe Texas Thoroughbred Association has several sponsorship opportunities available for the TTA Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet. Following is a list of available packages:

TTA Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet
Sponsorship Opportunities
February 16, 2013
Sam Houston Race Park

Gold Level Sponsors ……………………$2,500

Company Name and Logo on Signage

Company Name and Logo Listed in Program

Company Name in all Event Advertising in

Southern Racehorse Express, Southern Racehorse website and on TTA website

Eight Complimentary Banquet Tickets

Silver Level Sponsors……………………..$1,000

Company Name and Logo on Signage

Company Name and Logo Listed in Program

Company Name in all Event Advertising in

Southern Racehorse Express, Southern Racehorse website and on TTA website

Four Complimentary Banquet Tickets

Bronze Level Sponsors……………$500

Company Name and Logo on Signage

Listed as Sponsor in Southern Racehorse Express, Southern Racehorse website and on TTA website


General Sponsor………..$250

Listed as Sponsor in Banquet Program


Yes, I Would Like to be a Sponsor!


Sponsor Level____________________________________________________  Price $______________


Name, Business/Farm Name: _____________________________________________________________


Address: _____________________________________________________________________________


Phone: ____________________________________   Total Amount:  $_____________________


Authorized by: _______________________________Check # __________ Credit Card:  VISA  MC  AmEx


Card # _______________________________________________  Exp. Date: __________ CCV Code: ____



Please return to:

Texas Thoroughbred Association * Attention: Mary Ruyle

PO Box 14967  * Austin, Texas 78761   Phone (512) 458-6133  *  Fax (512) 453-5919