The stable areas at Retama Park and Sam Houston Race Park are closing and horses must be out by May 6.
Lone Star Park’s stable area will be open to horses starting Monday, May 4th. Horses can enter the property between 6am and 6pm daily.
Masks and face coverings will be required throughout the backside and social distancing guidelines will be in place. The backside will be open to essential personnel only, no guests.
The racing office will reopen on May 1st, but all business must be done by phone; the door will remain locked. Papers and other documents can be dropped in the mail slot at the office.
Lone Star Park will begin opening the track for training on Wednesday, May 6. The training hours will be 6:00 am to 10:00 am with no break for the first few days and then when there is a sufficient number of horses training, the break will be at 8:00 am. The track will be closed for training on Sundays until the race meet starts.
The receiving barn was getting some repairs and upgrades when we were forced to shut down so we will have to finish them up next week. Therefore, the receiving barn will reopen on Monday, May 11 for both Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses. You will have to leave an empty stall between your horses and anyone else’s. If you bring multiple horses, they can and should go together but there must be a stall left empty between yours and other trainer’s horses. Masks or face coverings will be required at all times when in the barn and on property.
The clocker will begin on Saturday, May 9 and official workouts will be available every day the track is open from there on.
Gate schooling will begin on Tuesday, May 12. Schooling will be available from 7:00 am to 9:30 am, Tuesdays thru Saturdays until racing starts.
FACE COVERINGS are REQUIRED in all common areas of the stable area at all times. Please have your masks or face coverings on when arriving at the stable gate. This includes horse haulers as well. We thank you for your cooperation during these challenging times.
Please visit the horsemen’s information section of our web site (lonestarpark.com) for further information and please let us know if you have any questions. Our email address is racing@lonestarpark.com. Our phone numbers are (972)237-1130 or (888)4RACING. Thanks for racing with us.
The Sunset Advisory Commission is reviewing the mission and performance of the Texas Racing Commission and welcomes public comments on whether the agency is still needed and ideas to improve its operations and services. The Texas Sunset Act requires the Sunset Commission to periodically review the Texas Racing Commission and recommend whether to continue the agency and change state law to improve the agency’s efficiency and effectiveness. The Legislature ultimately will decide whether to continue the Texas Racing Commission and adopt Sunset’s other statutory recommendations. The Sunset Commission also may adopt management directives for the Texas Racing Commission that do not require statutory change.
The Sunset process has three stages. First, Sunset staff will evaluate the Texas Racing Commission, seek public input, and issue a report recommending solutions to problems found. Second, the Sunset Commission will hold two public meetings: a hearing on the staff report and the agency, and a decision meeting to adopt recommendations to the Legislature based on the report and public comments. Third, the Legislature will convene in January 2021 and will consider Sunset’s statutory recommendations in a Sunset bill for the Texas Racing Commission.
Here are several ways to provide comments and suggestions to Sunset staff on the Texas Racing Commission’s mission, operations, and services: • Send an email to sunset@sunset.texas.gov • Submit comments online at www.sunset.texas.gov • Send a letter to Sunset Advisory Commission, Attn: Texas Racing Commission, P.O. Box 13066, Austin, Texas 78711 • Call (512) 463-1300 to speak to Lauren Ames, project manager of the Texas Racing Commission review Please provide your comments by May 29, 2020 to ensure Sunset staff can fully consider your input while conducting their review. Comments submitted before the staff report is published in August 2020 will remain confidential.
Stay informed! Visit www.sunset.texas.gov to sign up for email alerts on the Sunset staff report and the Sunset Commission’s public meetings on the Texas Racing Commission.
NOTES: Our condolences go out to the family of Jerry Moore of Kerrville, Texas. Jerry served on the TTA Board of Directors from 2016 – 2018. His obituary can be viewed here: