The TTA Board of Directors is considering putting on a Thoroughbred yearling sale at Lone Star Park in August or September of this year, if there is sufficient consignor interest.
As in the case of the April 4, 2016 Texas 2-Year-Old In Training Sale, once the Board decides to proceed with a Yearling Sale, it will be conducted regardless of the number of entries.
Go to https://texasthoroughbred.com/…/2016-Yrlg-Sale-Interest-Surv… to access the short questionnaire, which should be emailed to maryr@texasthoroughbred.com or faxed to 512.453.5919 by Friday, March 18th.
Beginning on the second day of entries, Lone Star Park will begin a new policy of having a higher claiming price for Texas Bred horses running in open company claiming races. Texas Breds will generally run for the next higher claim price than the non Texas-breds, but please check the overnights and condition book corrections for the exact claiming prices.
The Thoroughbred HBPA requested that Lone Star Park implement this policy, which will be the same as the current one being used at Remington Park.
This information will be on the overnights as a condition book correction, since it was not approved in time to be included in the first book.
Tickets for the Lone Star Park 2016 Spring Thoroughbred Season are on sale now! Purchase by calling 972-263-RACE.
Live racing returns to Lone Star Park for a 50-date run on Thursday, April 7. The 15-week season will continue through July 17.
Bart Lang announced that horsemen participating this spring will benefit by an across-the-board purse increase.
“We have raised purses by $1,000 a race, which in some cases is over a 10% hike,” Lang said. He also explained that he is pleased the race meeting is shaping up to be a successful one. He is encouraged stall applications for the upcoming season are on par with recent years.
“We look forward to getting back to racing after a long winter of uncertainties,” added Lang.
The track is now open daily from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. with no break, but will be closed on Sundays in March. Beginning Monday, March 14, the clocker will be available for official workouts daily during training hours. And beginning on Tuesday, March 22, gate schooling begins each Tuesday through Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
For more information, contact Lone Star Park’s racing office by email at racing@lonestarpark.com or by phone at (888) 4-RACING or (972) 237-1130.
Due to the serious nature of a recent outbreak of the neurologic strain of Equine Herpesvirus (EHV-1) at racetracks in the southwest United States, the following entry policy has been adopted. As part of that policy, a current health certificate issued within 72 hours prior to arrival at the track which shows the vaccination record for each horse. The horse must have been vaccinated with an FDA approved modified live or killed virus vaccine for EHV-1 not less than 14 days and not more than 60 days prior to date of entry. The veterinarian must provide the date of vaccination, the brand, serial number, and the expiration date of vaccine. For more details, see http://www.lonestarpark.com/Horsemen/HorsemensInformation/
The Texas Thoroughbred Association, in concert with Lone Star Park at Grand Prairie, has hip numbered 85 juveniles for the upcoming Texas 2-Year-Olds in Training and Horses of Racing Age Sale. The sale will be held, as always, in the Texas Thoroughbred Sales Pavilion at Lone Star Park on Monday, April 4, at noon. On Monday, March 21, horses will begin to arrive at the track and will be able to train over the main track daily in advance of the sale’s under-tack show at 11:00am on Saturday, April 2.
Catalogs mailed this week and a supplement of horses of racing age will be available closer to the sale date. The online catalogue, along with information about the Texas Thoroughbred Futurity, can be accessed at texasthoroughbred.com/tta-races. The catalogue is also available on the equineline.com app, and paper catalogues can be ordered by calling 512-458-6133 or 972-523-0332.
Having been the leader in the Southwest for nearly two decades, this year the sale finds itself opening the race meet at the Grand Prairie track for the first time. Stakes runners such as Code Warrior, Cash Bonus, Fleet Glory, Saritta, Meme Jo, Snappy Girl, Adrianne G and Oh Baby Oh Baby have trumpeted the sale’s power from Texas to California in the past year.
“We have a lot of solid pedigrees this year, top to bottom,” stated Sales Director Tim Boyce. “What we may lack in overall numbers we have gotten back in quality.”
Included in the catalogue are horses by sires such as Afleet Alex, Awesome Again, Broken Vow, Haynesville, Henny Hughes, Scat Daddy and The Factor, as well as regional leaders like Early Flyer, Euroears, Grasshopper, Intimidator, Mr. Nightlinger, My Golden Song, Special Rate, Too Much Bling, Yankee Gentleman and Valid Expectations.
“Some of the younger sires are going to be exciting as well this year,” Boyce said. “Horsemen are liking freshmen sires Tapizar and Gemologist and locally, Redding Colliery.”
All horses that pass through the ring are eligible for the Texas Thoroughbred Futurity, which was formerly known as the TTA Sales Futurity but will be run with changes to the eligibility requirements this year. The race will be run this summer at Lone Star Park with divisions for fillies and colts/geldings with an estimated purse of $100,000 apiece.
“We are especially pleased to once again conduct this sale at Lone Star Park as a service to our members,” said Mary Ruyle, executive director of the TTA.
The 16th annual Lone Star Park Trainers’ Exam Prep Class is scheduled Wednesday through Friday, March 30 to April 1. Class will begin Wednesday at 8:30am and continue until 4:00pm, followed by an 8:00am to 4pm schedule on Thursday and conclude with an 8:00am to 2:00pm session on Friday. Class will be held in the chaplain’s classroom in the Racing Office at Lone Star Park. Tuition is $349 at the door. Those that register early (by March 24th) pay SPECIAL EARLY BIRD TUITION of $299.
Enrollment is limited to 12 participants. The 2015 class at Lone Star SOLD OUT in the final week, so register as soon as possible to guarantee your spot.
Go to http://www.purplepowerracing.com/ for information and to sign up for class.
The Texas Department of Agriculture, along with industry leaders, is sponsoring a new study through the Texas A&M Equine Initiative to identify trends and issues in the Texas equine industry and to document the industry’s contribution to the state economy. All Texas horse owners are invited to participate.
According to Dr. Jim Heird, Executive Professor and Coordinator of the Equine Initiative at Texas A&M University, results of this study will be used to respond to current needs of the state’s horse owners and related businesses.
The study asks about horse ownership, participation in horse-related activities, boarding facilities, and horse-related expenditures. Owners of businesses that serve horse owners, such as feed stores, training facilities, farriers, and veterinarians, are also invited to participate in the survey.
The online survey remains open through May 1 and may be accessed from this link:
This study will be extremely valuable during the next legislative session and it is imperative to gather as much information as possible.
NOTES: Longtime Lone Star Park announcer John Lies has resigned from his position at the Grand Prairie, Texas track for a new role at Will Rogers Downs and Fair Meadows in Oklahoma….The next meeting of the TTA Board of Directors is scheduled for 5pm on Sunday, April 3 at Lone Star Park…Mark your calendars and plan to attend the TTA Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet on Saturday, June 18 at Lone Star Park…2016 breedings to the following stallions are still available through the TTA: Early Flyer $1250; Expect a Lot $500; Jet Phone $1250; Live From Appollo $250; Moro Tap $1500; Mr. Nightlinger $600; Orderly $400; Swift Warrior $500; and Westover Wildcat $250. Contact the TTA office at 512.458.6133 to purchase one of these breedings…Congratulations to Sam Houston Race Park 2016 Horse of the Meet Bravura, Leading Owner and Trainer Steve Asmussen, and Leading Jockey Iram Diego.