We would like to remind you that we are now accepting consignments for the Texas Yearling and Mixed Sale to be conducted in the Lone Star Park Thoroughbred Sales Pavilion on Monday, August 27th. Consignment forms are available under the “Forms” tab at ttasales.com with an entry deadline of June 15th. You can also request a printed catalog by completing the online form found under the “Contact” tab.
Make plans and send in your reservation form to attend the TTA’s Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon to be held on Saturday, June 23rd at Lone Star Park in Grand Prairie. We look forward to meeting new friends, renewing acquaintances and enjoying some great Texas racing, including the 7th annual renewal of the Lane’s End Danny Shifflett Scholarship Stakes.
During the awards ceremonies, the Texas Champion “Horse of the Year” and the owners and breeders of the champions of each racing division will be honored, along with the recipients of the Allen Bogan Memorial Award for TTA Member of the Year, the T. I. “Pops” Harkins Award for Lifetime Achievement, and the Rising Star Award. Current Texas Thoroughbred Educational Fund scholarship recipients will be introduced, along with an update on the activities of The Paddock Foundation, a non-profit corporation dedicated to the lifelong welfare of the Thoroughbred horse.
The hotel reservation deadline is Friday, June 8th and Monday, June 11th is the attendance deadline, so don’t delay!
Sponsorships are available and we are accepting auction items to benefit the Texas Thoroughbred Educational Fund and The Paddock Foundation. Contact the TTA office at 512.458.6133 for information.
Please note: On July 4th, the TTA will be moving to a new location. Our new address will be 192 Cimarron Park Loop, Suite A, Buda, TX 78610. Our phone and fax numbers will remain the same.
NOTES: The next regular meeting of the Texas Racing Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, June 12th in Austin…The TTA Board of Directors will meet at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 23rd at Lone Star Park…The next Roses to Ribbons event will be at Lone Star on Saturday, July 7th.