Horsemen Urged to Keep Calling Legislative Budget Board Members

For the immediate future, please contact the members of the Legislative Budget Board to continue to ask that the TxRc be fully funded. We all need to thank the House members for their support and continue to place pressure on the Senate members to fully fund the TxRc.

Let the legislators know how you and your horse business are personally impacted by the shutdown of racing. Be sure to keep us informed of any particularly positive or negative response you get.

Also, there is some question as to whether Senator Joan Huffman has replaced Senator Craig Estes on the LBB, so call them both!

Gov. Greg Abbott 512-463-2000
Rep. Joe Straus 512-463-1000
Lt. Gov Dan Patrick 512-463-0001
Sen. Jane Nelson 512-463-0112
Sen. Kevin Eltife 512-463-0101
Sen. Craig Estes 512-463-0130
Sen. Juan Hinojosa 512-463-0120
Sen. Joan Huffman 512-463-0117
Rep. Drew Darby 512-463-0331
Rep. John Otto 512-463-0570
Rep. Sylvester Turner 512-463-0554

Also, call your own Senator and Representative to contact the LBB to express their support for full funding of the TRC on behalf of the horsemen in their district. To find who represents you, go to: