FAX TO 512.453.5919 or
CALL 512.458.6133 BEFORE 5PM CENTRAL or
1) December 31, 2020 is the deadline for accrediting yearlings (foals of 2019) at the TTA member rate of $200 ($250 for non-members). The fee to accredit foals of 2019 AFTER December 31, 2020 but by December 31, 2021 is $750 for TTA members ($800 for non-members).
2) Be sure that mares that will foal in Texas in 2021 are Texas accredited and that ATB race fillies have been converted to breeding stock before they foal to automatically be eligible for ATB breeder awards. You may email the mare’s name to me and I will verify the status. The fee to accredit a mare before she foals is only $75 (TTA member rate). NOTE: If a mare is not accredited before she foals, the only way to be eligible for ATB breeder awards on that foal is to pay a supplemental mare accreditation fee in the amount of $150 (TTA member rate) during the year of foaling.
December 31, 2020 is the deadline to:
1) Nominate eligible foals of 2020 to the Texas Stallion Stakes Series for $100.
2) Nominate eligible foals of 2019 (not previously nominated) to the Texas Stallion Stakes Series for $500.
3) Nominate foals of 2019 that passed through the ring at the 2019 Texas Summer Yearling & Mixed Sale or the 2020 Texas Summer Yearling & HORA or the 2020 Texas Winter Mixed Sale and foals of 2019 that are consigned to and pass through the ring at the 2021 Texas Thoroughbred 2-Year-Old in Training Sale, as well as any Accredited Texas-bred foals of 2019 nominated via original consignor or buyer berth to the 2021 Texas Thoroughbred Sales Futurity ($100,000 est. per division).
4) Nominate accredited stallions that will be standing in Texas in 2021 to the Texas Stallion Stakes for the 2021 breeding season.
Remember: Foals by stallions nominated to the Texas Stallion Stakes for the season in which those foals were conceived need not be foaled in Texas to be eligible for the Texas Stallion Stakes Series.
All deadline dates are email, fax or postmark dates.
Forms are available at