Anthrax Confirmed in Equine in Uvalde County

August 11, 2015
Anthrax Confirmed in Equine in Uvalde County
AUSTIN – The first Anthrax case in Texas for 2015 has been confirmed in equine in Uvalde County.
The premises is located approximately 25 miles northwest of Uvalde. The Texas Animal Health
Commission (TAHC) has quarantined the premises. TAHC rules require proper disposal of affected
carcasses and vaccination of livestock on the premises prior to release of the quarantine.

Anthrax is a bacterial disease caused by Bacillus anthracis, which is a naturally occurring organism with
worldwide distribution, including certain parts of Texas. (It is not uncommon for anthrax to be
diagnosed in the southwestern part of the state.) A vaccine is available for use in susceptible livestock in
high risk areas.

Acute fever followed by rapid death with bleeding from body openings are common signs of anthrax in
livestock. Carcasses may also appear bloated and decompose quickly. Livestock displaying symptoms
consistent with anthrax should be reported to a private veterinary practitioner or a TAHC official. If
affected livestock or carcasses must be handled, producers are encouraged to follow basic sanitation
precautions such as wearing protective gloves, long sleeve shirts and washing thoroughly afterward to
prevent accidental spread of the bacteria to people.

“The TAHC will continue to closely monitor the situation for possible new cases across the state.
Producers are encouraged to consult their veterinary practitioner or local TAHC office if they have
questions about the disease in livestock and their medical professional if they have concerns about
anthrax exposure,” said Dr. T.R. Lansford, TAHC Assistant Executive Director for Animal Health

For more information regarding Anthrax, contact your local TAHC region or call 1-800-550-8242 or
visit .

To learn more about Anthrax, visit the TAHC’s brochure at